Annual Food Drive

Join Us for a Cause! The Kings Grant Farmers Market Annual Food Drive
📅 Thursday, June 19th
Dear Community,
In the spirit of unity and compassion, The Kings Grant Farmers Market is thrilled to announce our annual "Food Drive" on Thursday, June 19th. This year, we are rallying behind a cause that truly matters - supporting our friends at The Judeo-Christian Outreach Center (JCOC).
It's disheartening to acknowledge that each day in our community, there are individuals facing hunger. But together, we can make a difference. The JCOC is a beacon of hope for everyone, offering assistance with NO QUESTIONS ASKED!
As a tight-knit community, let's once again come together and aim high. Our goal is to BEAT the weight of 3,000 pounds of food! Yes, you read it right - 3,000 pounds! We firmly believe in the power of our community to make a positive impact, and with your support, we can achieve this milestone.
Bring your friends, family, and neighbors to The Kings Grant Farmers Market on June 19th. Let's turn this day into an opportunity to share our abundance and make a lasting impact on the lives of those in need.
Together, we can create a community where no one goes to bed hungry. Mark your calendars, spread the word, and let's make this Food Drive a tremendous success!
See you there with your generous contributions!
Here is a list of items they need:
Canned Fruits & Vegetables
Canned Meats
Pasta and Pasta Sauce
Canned Beans
Macaroni and Cheese
Peanut Butter & Jelly
Bottled Water/Juice Boxes
Any NON perishables would be greatly appreciated!!
If it rains we will hold it on the next
Farm Market date of July 3rd!