Become a Friend "Sponsor" of The King's Grant Farmers' Market 2024 Season!!
Our greatest need is to secure financial assistance to support our continued efforts to provide our community with fresh, locally-grown produce. This is where you come in! We invite you to make a financial contribution to support the Kings Grant Farmers Market to help further our goal of fresh, healthy food for our area.
The Kings Grant Farmers Market is supported financially by vendor (booth) fees, sponsorships, and donations. Vendors retain all of their sales income; the market does not receive a percentage of vendor sales.
The market operates on a small annual budget that supports an array of operating expenses, including insurance, permits, signage, maintenance website, URLs, social media promotions, and help The KG Baptist Church offset the cost of an off duty police officer.
We will add our sponsors to weekly and daily social media ads and on our Google site. That includes adding logos if it’s your business that makes any donation!
When you support the market, you actively support our mission of wellness education and community relations. You also vocalize your choice to eat fresh, healthily, and locally.
Like I always say, it takes a community to sustain a farmer's market!!
Please feel free to send us a message or shoot us an email for more information at Kingsgrantfarmersmarketvb.Com
