Join us in fighting hunger! Thursday June 15th from 4-7pm The Kings Grant Farmers Market (873 little Neck Rd VB) will hold our annual "Food Drive" for our friends at The Judeo-Christian Outreach Center. (
Each day in our community people will go hungry. They shouldn't have to. The Jcoc is there for everyone, NO QUESTIONS ASKED! As a community I ask that we come together once again and BEAT 1,000 pounds of food!!! I know we can do it!
Please like and Share our events to help us get the word out!
Here is a list of items they need: Canned Fruits & Vegetables Canned Meats Canned Meals Pasta and Pasta Sauce Soup Canned Beans Macaroni and Cheese Peanut Butter & Jelly Cereal Oatmeal/Grits Bottled Water/Juice Boxes Any NON perishables would be greatly appreciated!!
If it rains we will hold it on the next Farm Market date of July 6th
Donating non-perishable items is a simple way to help those who are struggling with food insecurity and make a positive impact in your community.
